Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

Squatgate Video - Kemaluan Malaysia - Noh Omar Kurang Ajar

Malingsia Policewoman

A one-minute mobile phone video clip showed a woman (not identified), possibly in her 20s, doing ear squats 10 times in front of a policewoman in what looked like a locker room of a police station. The video clip shot was shown to several MP as well as reporters by DAP’s Seputeh MP Teresa KOK in the Parliament lobby on the morning of 25 November 2005.

The unidentified woman detained was shown later putting on her underwear and a black top. The grainy clip began with the police officer ordering the naked woman to do squats, indicating with her hands that the detainee was to hold her ears while doing them. It is believed that the incident happened last month as Ramadan prayer could be heard.

It is not known who recorded the footage, which appeared to be taken without the knowledge of the two women through a window. It was first published by vernacular China Press on its front page on November 25.

Ms. Kok said she believed that the woman in the video clip was not one of the Chinese women nationals who had lodged reports recently against the Petaling Jaya police for being falsely detained, stripped and abused.

Home Minister Azmi Khalid told a press conference in Parliament after viewing the clip that: “This should not have happened. If police personnel are really involved, then this is police abuse…the government will take the necessary action.” On a related matter, Azmi said “Profiling Chinese women especially those below 35 as being involving in vice should not have happened.”

In a further incident, on 3 November 2005, Ms. Zhen was traveling in a car with four friends, one of whom was Chinese and the other three Malingsians, to a party when they were stopped at a police roadblock in Sungai Buloh. They showed the police their passports but the police personnel said that they suspected the passports were fake.

Ms. Zhen told a press conference in Kuala Lumpur on November 11, that: “Although I don’t understand Malay, but from their gestures, I knew they asked for RM500. Otherwise we will be arrested.” Knowing she had a genuine passport and had nothing to fear, Ms. Zhen refused to pay. Then Ms. Zhen and her female Chinese friend were immediately handcuffed and taken to the Sungai Buloh police station. There she saw a few more women from mainland China detained for allegedly holding fake passports too. Ms. Zhen called her husband, a Malingsian contractor, to bring their marriage certificate but when her husband arrived, the police just ignored him.

At about 6am, the detainees were taken to the Petaing Jaya district police headquaters where their bags were searched. “A policeman and a policewoman at the corner asked me to give them RM50 for yum cha (drink tea). They took five RM10 notes from my bag. I was so frightened at that time as they were very fierce so I agreed. Two other Chinese women also gave them RM50. And my friend just had 3RM, and they took this as well. They distributed the money in front of us to another two or three officers.”

Then Ms. Zhen was taken to a room where a policewoman ordered her to strip naked. ”I felt so ashamed so I turned my back when removing my undergarments. When I did this, the policewoman slapped me and grabbed my breasts.” Then Ms. Zhen was held in a lock-up with 18 others, in which there were no beds. “It was dirty and full of ants. We were not given water to drink. So all of us had to drink tap water and suffered diarrhea.”

Not until 7 November was Ms. Zhen finally released after the Immigration Department verified her passport.

“I never been handcuffed before. There is no humanity in Malingsia?” Ms. Zhen said, breaking into tears. “I never believed reports in newspaper in China of how Chinese nationals have been abused in Malingsia until I experienced it myself.”

Ms. Zhen has lodged reports over the incident with thee Bukit Aman federal police headquaters and Anti-Corruption Agency and she decided to come forward,” I don’t want any other Chinese national to suffer. I want justice to be done.”

Also present at the press conference were DAP Seputeh MP Teresa KOK and DAP Seputeh’s deputy chairperson Rickie Kow Ah Kuan. Ms. Kok said she has written a letter to IGP Mohd Bakri Omar urging him to investigate this case promptly.

Image Source: BBC

No Allah After All for Malaysian Christians

by Imran Imtiaz Shah Yacob, AsiaSentinel, Jan 7.
The Malaysian cabinet’s decision late last week to reinstitute the cancellation of a Roman Catholic newspaper’s publishing license for using the word “Allah” interchangeably with “God” in its Malay-language section has little to do with theology and a lot to do with Malay fears that Christians may be secretly converting members of the Islamic faith.
“They believe that Christians in Malaysia, as in much of the rest of the Asian world, are on an evangelical mission,” said a Kuala Lumpur-based Muslim with access to the thinking of government leaders.
“There are Asian missionaries attempting to convert actively in Malaysia, and confusing Muslims, so the word ‘Allah’ has been banned. The churches have been trying to use Bahasa Malaysia (the Malay language) and attribute the one God in Islam as Allah in Christianity, so as to pull more Malays into the church.”
Sensitive politicians suspect the Catholic church of spearheading the campaign to use the word “Allah” interchangeably with “God” in the belief that the verbal sleight-of-hand could make Malay Muslims more receptive to Christianity.
The Kuala Lumpur-based Catholic Herald, which prints reports in English, Bahasa, Tamil and Chinese, was first notified that it would no longer be allowed to use the word “Allah” on October 18 and November 1. But after informing the publication of the decision, a representative from the Internal Security Ministry delivered a letter dated December 28 with the permit to print without restrictions, the publication’s editor, Father Lawrence Andrew, told the media in Kuala Lumpur.
Non-Muslims have also been barred by the order from using the words solat (ritual prayer), baitullah (the house of God) and kaabah (the holiest shrine in Islam), according to Abdullah Mohd Zin, minister in the prime minister’s department, who told reporters that Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi told him to clarify the matter so the public would not be confused.
Despite the fact that according to the CIA World Factbook Muslims make up some 60.9 percent of Malaysia’s population of 27 million, the country’s Muslims – and particularly the leadership of the United Malays National Organisation, the leading ethnic party in the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition ‑ remain hugely insecure about the Christians in their midst. Christians make up a relatively small 9.12 percent of the population, many of those concentrated in the north Borneo states of Sarawak and Sabah, where a protestant church is suing Malaysian authorities for banning the import from Indonesia of six titles for Sunday school classes using the word “Allah” for “God.”
Proselytizing Muslims in Malaysia can and has guaranteed a quick air ticket out of the country for foreign missionaries. Showing a Christian Bible to Malays, who are required by syariah law to be Muslim, has been known to stir near-riots. There are rumors, most likely exaggerated or untrue, of entire Christian churches for Muslims in the southern state of Johor, which abuts the majority Chinese (and largely Christian) Republic of Singapore.
Undeniably, there are Malay Christians, although most keep their religious affiliation well hidden. For instance, the Malaysian website Alternatif-net in 2006 interviewed a Malay Christian woman identified only as Kamariah, who said she and a 34-year-old friend named Natasha were the only ethnic Malays in the international church they visit.
“Many Malay Christians hide themselves and meet secretly,” she told the website. “The only way to get legally married is to marry a Malay Christian who is also still on paper a Muslim. But then our children will also be Muslims on paper, and their children, and the circle is never broken. But if we want to change our identification cards, it won’t happen without problems. The syariah court can decide to put me in prison.”
Concerns have grown on both sides. Christian apprehensions about Muslim dominance also have grown over the last two years. Two or three celebrated court cases have raised fears among Chinese and Indian Christians that the social contract ‑ and constitution ‑ that has allowed religious tolerance since independence in 1957 is being frayed.
Last week the Chinese Christian husband of a dead Malaysian woman sought to stop Islamic authorities from giving her a Muslim funeral amid a dispute over whether she converted to Islam before her death. The court ultimately granted a temporary injunction to prevent the Federal Territory Islamic Council from claiming the body, which lies in a Kuala Lumpur hospital morgue, until January 18, when the case is due to be heard in a civil court. The dead woman’s husband claims she was a Christian at the time of her death. In a 2005 case, an ethnic Indian was buried as a Muslim over the objections of his Hindu wife after a syariah court ruled he had converted to Islam.
Also, in late December the Federal Court threw out a bid by a 28-year-old Indian woman who took her estranged husband to court in an effort to prevent him from converting the couple’s 2-year-old son to Islam. While the court ruled against the woman on a technicality, one of the justices said Malaysia’s syariah, or religious court, would have primacy in the case.
In May, the high court ruled that a 43-year-old Kuala Lumpur woman who renamed herself Lina Joy had in effect lost a 12-year fight to change her religion on her identity card from Islam. She had become a Christian more than a decade earlier; however, the court ruled that the syariah courts had jurisdiction over whether Joy’s religious status would remain Muslim, which was tantamount to denying her claim.
Only once in history have Malaysia’s syariah courts ruled to allow anyone to change religious identity and that case involved an 89-year old woman named Nyonya Tahir who converted to Buddhism in 1936. Her decision was accepted 69 years later in 2006, after she was dead.
As to the Catholic Herald controversy, most religious scholars outside Malaysia agree that Muslims worship a single supreme being that the Arabic language denotes as Allah and that English calls God. The word Allah derives from the singular nature of the monotheistic deity. In the Arab world Allah has always been used by Christians and Jews to denote the one God which the religions share. The same is true in the Farsi language. In Indonesia Christians use “Allah” to denote the supreme being in the Indonesian version of the Malay language. For Muslims, Jesus was a prophet of Islam, and the Koran represents the continuation of God’s revelation begun in the Old Testament.

Di Timur Tengah, bendera Malaysia dibakar!

WorldNewsToday – Sejumlah kedutaan besar Malaysia di Timur Tengah saat ini tengah dilanda berbagai insiden. Pasalnya, hampir setiap hari terdapat kasus pembakaran bendera nasional Malaysia di depan kantor kedutaan mereka sendiri. Tidak hanya itu, para demonstran juga merobek-robek bendera dan melempari kantor kedutaan dengan kotoran unta dan telur busuk. Insiden tersebut merata di berbagai negara Timur Tengah tempat kedutaan Malaysia berada, antara lain Afghanistan, Mesir, Libanon, Palestina, Jordania, Irak, Iran, Suriah serta beberapa negara lainnya.

Ismeth Al Maliki, salah seorang demonstran di Libanon yang diwawancari mengaku , pembakaran bendera Malaysia dilakukan oleh karena ia tidak dapat membedakan bendera Malaysia dan bendera “The Spangled Banner” milik Amerika. Alasan yang sama juga dikemukakan para demonstran lainnya. Bahkan, sebagian besar dari mereka beranggapan bahwa Malaysia adalah negara boneka Amerika. Mayoritas masyarkat Timur Tengah memang dikenal memiliki sikap anti-Amerika dan juga tidak menyukai segala sesuatu yang identik dengan Amerika.

Seorang pakar Timur Tengah berpendapat bahwa insiden pembakaran yang masih berlanjut hingga saat ini adalah sesuatu yang wajar. Pangkal persoalan sebenarnya adalah tindakan plagiat Malaysia dalam membuat desain bendera nasional yang sama persis dengan bendera Amerika. Pendapat tersebut diamini oleh berbagai jurnalis dan media internasional. Mereka mengatakan desain bendera nasional Malaysia sangat tidak kreatif, kurang visioner, dan tidak peka terhadap kesamaan desain bendera Amerika yang sudah ada sejak tahun 1776.

Insiden tersebut membuat Sekjen PBB, Ban Ki Moon, angkat bicara. Ia mengatakan dapat memahami demonstrasi tersebut. Ia justru memaksa Malaysia untuk menghentikan segala bentuk adopsi, imitasi, plagiar, serta pencurian mentah-mentah hasil karya intelektual serta warisan budaya negara lain.

Sementara itu, Menlu Amerika Condolezza Rice justru mempersalahkan Malaysia yang tidak arif dalam membuat suatu desain untuk produk-produk identitas nasionalnya. Ironisnya, negara-negara yang mendapatkan nota protes dari Malaysia atas insiden tersebut, tidak meresponnya sama sekali. Mereka melihat insiden tersebut sebagai sebuah lelucon politik yang patut ditertawakan, ditengah-tengah upaya mereka dalam menciptakan perdamaian di Timur Tengah. (WorldNewsToday.Com)